Our Services

Custom Slipcovers

We can remake new slipcovers from existing ones that are in relatively good shape, and we make custom ones from scratch using the pin-fitting technique. Your chair or sofa is a good candidate for slipcovering if you find it comfortable, and the padding under the upholstery is in good condition.


Indoor furniture , outdoor furniture, window seat, bench, kitchen nook, floor, children’s play, (some) boat - we do all sort of cushions. We work in leather and vinyl too and will source the appropriate cushion inserts for your project.


Want a flange? Want a fringe? A mitered border? We make many types of pillows with added flourishes, be they lumbar, square, or bolster.

Light Upholstery

We have lots of experience with a staple gun, and can reupholster smaller pieces like stools, ottomans, dining chair seats, benches, and the like.

Fabric Sales and Consultation

We prefer that you work with us to purchase fabrics for your project. We work with many companies including Fabricut, Kravet, Perennials, Stout, Greenhouse Fabrics, Charlotte Fabrics, and United Fabrics. If you want to bring your own fabric, we need to ok it to make sure it’s appropriate for the project, and we may charge a small fee per yard.

Ask us, we might make it!

Pouf covers, tablecloths, napkins, table runners, bed sheets - if you have a miscellaneous item that you’d like sewn up, we might just do it for you.